Friday, June 3, 2011

My RecEnT nEwS

Maafla wahai pengunjungn Recently ni mmg sgt sebok... sampai da cuti seminggu dah n last for another week jer baru nak meng update kan blog. What I mean here is about my recent news. Ok firstly, my mother@Ibu baru saje berlepas ke tanah suci Mekah untuk menunaikan Umrah. Sunday 29/5. Tsk. Tsk. Sedeyh sbb xleh nak call ibu tiap2 hari da.sbb mahal bangat deyh. Ibu departured at 3 and she arrived there on the next day at 6.45p.m local time. Alhamdulillah. May Allah Bless You ibu.
And me? hahaha. I have to go back to my hometown Melaka and take care of d Laundry shop lah kan. And what did I feel very sad not just my mum wasn't here, even my boyfie pown tarak. Grrrr! what to do he have to be in KL working kan.. I faham darling.(= And yesterday he did came to Malacca. Nak beli hp. N belanja2 me meyh.

Ok skarang ni I need to let go something. GRRRR! geram ni. My stupid Indonesian worker tu dah la couple ngan laki org. COUPLE eh! org sebok nak couple die pown nak jugak. yg si jantan Malaysian ni boleh pulak nak layan ea. Dah la dtg dobi. Pastuh boleh pulak berdating kat depan. customer kuar masuk ni kat dobi. Dia bleh pulak dating kat depan counter. Aku bukan nk intefere sape2 punye life. But at least hormat dis is my mother shop. Bukan ur BAPAK shop!!!! go n get a better place la pandai! Ish tensyen tahap dewa. Ok habes da citer ni.

Now my studies. Everything been so good lately. alhamdulillah. I can mange everything n I'd trying my level best to score every paper. Even all lecturer's r so nice n sweet. Thanks to all d lecturer's for teaching me how to teach. (= Teacher Farah kan??

Frens?? haha. yeah I did got my new besfren. Rashmit. Gosh we were like spending times together everyday. I mean in College time la kan. She need me n so do I. We were like doing everything together. Even lunch everyday together. You r the best lah darling! Love you much!

I rase that's all la update about myself recently kowt. Ermm. Picture will be update soon. sbb cable tade la. I'm sorry.


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